I feel like it has been forever since I have blogged. And it has been. My life over the past month has consisted of mass chaos. I have never felt my brain so full and fuzzy. Now that we are officially settled in Denver, it has been so nice to let my brain have a break. And to finally be able to blog.

I have a whole hard drive filled with images that need to be shared and it only seems to be growing day by day. So in honor of our recent exit from the Emerald City, I decided to share my shoot with Linsey Wallace. Linsey is an up and coming christian recording artist in the Seattle/Tacoma area. She recently released her first EP One. Her style is smooth and soulful which is refreshing for a christian artist. She reminds me of a Sara Bareilles, a really crisp voice with a kinda fun twist. Her lyrics are so mature and don’t have any of that cheesy flare that you see lots of times in christian artists. I’m expecting big things from this girl.

If you wanna buy her CD, click here. I won’t regret it.

Here are some of my favorites from our shoot at a old church in Tacoma (just blocks from the high school from Ten Things I Hate About You).

the cover

the beautiful Darla, our assistant for the day





















Recording Artist Photography  |  Album Art  | Grace Combs Photography